Welcome to the Asia Pacific Network!
The Asia Pacific Oxford Business Network (AP OBN) believes that Asia has a compelling economic growth story. This region will create great jobs and business opportunities for our community.
The Asia Pacific Growth Story
Asia Pacific is home to major growth regions such as the ASEAN, Pearl-Delta and Shenzhen-Hong Kong. Economic powerhouses such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur will increasingly shape global trade flows.
For decades, MNCs moved their manufacturing operations nearer to Asia Pacific (AP) to access end-markets and cheap resources. In this decade, beyond manufacturing, firms have also relocated control towers/management functions to the region to access favourable business conditions (tax) in AP and to groom future leaders.
The world’s largest chemicals hub is located in Asia, Singapore. Singapore plays host to an ecosystem of the leading energy and chemical companies, such as Exxon, Mitsui Chemicals and Shell. A study by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) also proposed that Hong Kong will overtake London as a financial hub by 2015 with expectation of the creation of great jobs and leadership opportunities. In 2011, Unilever started their first corporate university out of London and its first in Asia, Singapore will run half of Unilever’s global leadership programme.
As Co-chairs of this network, we will start by developing an intensive Asia Pacific trek for students. We will also create frequent formal and informal networking opportunities with business communities in AP.Co-ChairsAlex Lew, CFAWayne Viegas
Alex Lew and Wayne Viegas, the 2014-2015 Co-Chairs of the Asia Pacific Network, are there to help you!
Email: AsiaPacificOBN@oba.co.uk
Contact us via our facebook group