Oxford Said Prospective Students

Interested in applying for one the programmes offered at the Saïd Business School?
Please visit the School's main website for more information, or for particular programmes, see below:
Full-Time MBA
View programme website or contact mba-enquiries@sbs.ox.ac.uk, +44(0)1865 278804
1+1 MBA Programme
View programme website or contact mba-enquiries@sbs.ox.ac.uk, +44(0)1865 278804
Executive MBA
View programme website or contact emba-enquiries@sbs.ox.ac.uk, +44(0)1865 422592
MSc in Financial Economics
View programme website or contact mfe-enquiries@sbs.ox.ac.uk, +44(0)1865 288871
MSc in Law and Finance
View programme website or contact mlf@law.ox.ac.uk, +44(0)1865 281877
Doctoral Programme
View programme website or contact dphil@sbs.ox.ac.uk, +44(0)1865 28887
Executive Education Programmes
View programmes website or contact execed@sbs.ox.uk, +44 (0)1865 422737
Contacting Alumni Ambassadors
We have a number of volunteer alumni from the MBA, EMBA and MFE programmes who are willing to speak to prospective students about their time at Oxford. They are known as Alumni Ambassadors (formerly called Alumni Country Champions and Regional Ambassadors).
We only connect our Ambassadors with serious prospective students who have already researched the programme and have been in touch with the School's Admissions team. We will do our best to match you with an alumnus/a who completed your course of interest, who is in your region and possibly working in the industry of your interest. We cannot guarantee an exact match or that we can meet any specific requests.
Please note that the alumni cannot provide information on course content/structure, fees or college availability as these details often change from year to year.
If you are interested in being put in touch with alumni who have completed a degree programme, please contact the Admissions team in the first instance on the corresponding email addresses above.